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User Manual

Hamok / HamokEmitter / HamokMap / HamokQueue / HamokRecord / HamokRemoteMap

Table of Contents


HamokRemoteMap is a class that provides a distributed storage solution, enabling key-value pair manipulation across multiple instances with event-driven notifications. The primary distinction between HamokMap and HamokRemoteMap lies in the underlying storage mechanism. HamokRemoteMap leverages a RemoteMap as its base for storing key-value pairs, which can reside in a remote location (e.g., Redis, a database, etc.). Hamok is then used solely to ensure operational consistency across distributed instances.

This design is ideal for scenarios where a large number of key-value pairs need to be managed by multiple instances. Instead of introducing a distributed locking mechanism, HamokRemoteMap utilizes the RAFT consensus algorithm to guarantee consistent operation execution, ensuring consistency and fault tolerance in distributed systems.

Important Notes

  • RemoteMap relies on leader peer, as the leader peer is the only one which can executes action on a remote map. Therefore all peer which potentially can be the leader must create this map.


const config: HamokRemoteMapBuilderConfig<number, string> = {
   * The unique identifier for the map.
  mapId: "remoteMapId",

   * Optional. The timeout duration in milliseconds for requests.
  requestTimeoutInMs: 5000,

   * Optional. A codec for encoding and decoding keys in the map.
   * DEFAULT: JSON codec
  keyCodec: {
    encode: (key: number) => (new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4))).setInt32(0, key)),
    decode: (data: Uint8Array) => (new DataView(data)).getInt32(0),

   * Optional. A codec for encoding and decoding values in the map.
   * DEFAULT: JSON Codec
  valueCodec: valueCodec?: {
    encode: (value: V) => Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(value)),
    decode: (data: Uint8Array) => JSON.parse(Buffer.from(data).toString()),

   * Optional. The maximum number of keys allowed in request or response messages.
   * DEFAULT: 0 means Infinity
  maxOutboundMessageKeys: 1000,

   * Optional. The maximum number of values allowed in request or response messages.
   * DEFAULT: 0 means Infinity
  maxOutboundMessageValues: 1000,

   * The remote map to be used to store the data.
  remoteMap: createMyRemoteMap(),

   * Flag indicate if the events should be emitted by the event emitter or not.
   * It also reduces the communication overhead if not needed, as for emitting events
   * the leader should send a message to all followers to emit an event.
   * In such case when it's not necessary (like cache maintenance) it can be disabled.
   * DEFAULT: false
  noEvents: false,

   * Optional. A function to determine equality between two values.
   * Used for custom equality checking.
  equalValues: (a: V, b: V) => a === b,

const remoteMap = hamok.createRemoteMap<number, string>(config);

API Reference


  • id: string: Returns the unique identifier of the storage.
  • closed: boolean: Indicates whether the storage is closed.


HamokRemoteMap extends EventEmitter and emits the following events:

  • insert(key: K, value: V): Emitted when a new entry is inserted.
  • update(key: K, oldValue: V, newValue: V): Emitted when an entry is updated.
  • remove(key: K, value: V): Emitted when an entry is removed.
  • clear(): Emitted when the storage is cleared.
  • close(): Emitted when the storage is closed.

Event Handling

You can listen to these events using the standard EventEmitter API:

remoteMap.on("insert", (key, value) => {
  console.log(`Inserted: ${key} = ${value}`);

remoteMap.on("update", (key, oldValue, newValue) => {
  console.log(`Updated: ${key} from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);

remoteMap.on("remove", (key, value) => {
  console.log(`Removed: ${key} = ${value}`);


  • close(): void
    Closes the storage, disconnecting it from the network and releasing all resources.

  • size(): Promise<number>
    Returns the number of entries in the storage.

  • isEmpty(): Promise<boolean>
    Returns true if the storage is empty, false otherwise.

  • keys(): AsyncIterableIterator<K>
    Returns an iterator for the keys in the storage.

  • clear(): Promise<void>
    Clears all entries from the storage.

  • get(key: K): Promise<V | undefined>
    Retrieves the value associated with the specified key.

  • getAll(keys: IterableIterator<K> | K[]): Promise<ReadonlyMap<K, V>>
    Retrieves all values associated with the specified keys.

  • set(key: K, value: V): Promise<V | undefined>
    Sets a key-value pair in the storage. If the key already exists, the value is updated.

  • setAll(entries: ReadonlyMap<K, V>): Promise<ReadonlyMap<K, V>>
    Sets multiple key-value pairs in the storage.

  • insert(key: K, value: V): Promise<V | undefined>
    Inserts a key-value pair into the storage. If the key already exists, it will not be updated.

  • insertAll(entries: ReadonlyMap<K, V> | [K, V][]): Promise<ReadonlyMap<K, V>>
    Inserts multiple key-value pairs into the storage.

  • delete(key: K): Promise<boolean>
    Deletes a key-value pair from the storage by key.

  • deleteAll(keys: ReadonlySet<K> | K[]): Promise<ReadonlySet<K>>
    Deletes multiple key-value pairs from the storage by their keys.

  • remove(key: K): Promise<boolean>
    Removes a key-value pair from the storage by key.

  • removeAll(keys: ReadonlySet<K> | K[]): Promise<ReadonlyMap<K, V>>
    Removes multiple key-value pairs from the storage by their keys.

  • updateIf(key: K, value: V, oldValue: V): Promise<boolean>
    Updates a key-value pair in the storage if the current value matches the specified oldValue.

  • iterator(): AsyncIterableIterator<[K, V]>
    Returns an iterator for the key-value pairs in the storage.

  • sync(): Promise<void>
    Synchronizes the storage with the remote peers. (waiting for the commitHead in hamok)


Add Redis as RemoteMap

import { RemoteMap } from "hamok/lib/collections/RemoteMap";
import Redis from "ioredis";

const publisher = new Redis();
const subscriber = new Redis();

type CachedItem = {
  id: string;
  value: string;

function createRemoteMap(mapId: string): RemoteMap<string, CachedItem> {
  return {
    async set(key, value, callback) {
      const oldValue = await publisher.hget(mapId, key);
      await publisher.hset(mapId, key, JSON.stringify(value));
      callback?.(oldValue ? JSON.parse(oldValue) : undefined);
    async setAll(entries, callback) {
      const inserted: [string, CachedItem][] = [];
      const updated: [string, CachedItem, CachedItem][] = [];

      for (const [key, value] of entries) {
        const oldValue = await publisher.hget(mapId, key);
        if (oldValue) {
          updated.push([key, JSON.parse(oldValue), value]);
        } else {
          inserted.push([key, value]);
        await publisher.hset(mapId, key, JSON.stringify(value));

      callback?.({ inserted, updated });
    iterator() {
      async function* asyncIterator() {
        const keys = await publisher.hkeys(mapId);
        for (const key of keys) {
          const value = await publisher.hget(mapId, key);
          yield [key, value ? JSON.parse(value) : undefined] as [

      return asyncIterator();
    async get(key) {
      const value = await publisher.hget(mapId, key);
      return value ? JSON.parse(value) : undefined;
    async keys() {
      return (await publisher.hkeys(mapId)).values();
    async getAll(keys) {
      const iteratedKeys = [...keys];
      const values = await Promise.all(
        iteratedKeys.map((key) => publisher.hget(mapId, key))
      const entries = iteratedKeys
        .map((key, index) => [
          values[index] ? JSON.parse(values[index]) : undefined,
        .filter(([, value]) => value !== undefined);

      return new Map(entries as [string, CachedItem][]);
    async remove(key) {
      const value = await publisher.hget(mapId, key);
      await publisher.hdel(mapId, key);

      return value ? JSON.parse(value) : undefined;
    async removeAll(keys) {
      const iteratedKeys = [...keys];
      const values = await Promise.all(
        iteratedKeys.map((key) => publisher.hget(mapId, key))
      const entries = iteratedKeys
        .map((key, index) => [
          values[index] ? JSON.parse(values[index]) : undefined,
        .filter(([, value]) => value !== undefined);
      await publisher.hdel(mapId, ...iteratedKeys);

      return new Map(entries as [string, CachedItem][]);
    async clear() {
      return publisher.del(mapId).then(() => void 0);
    async size() {
      return publisher.hlen(mapId);

Note that the serialization and deserialization methods for keys and values differ between Hamok instances and between an instance and a RemoteMap. This is because Hamok requires binary serialization and deserialization for its messages, while the requirements for RemoteMap are unknown and left to the developer’s discretion. In the example above, we used simple JSON serialization and deserialization for keys and values.


How does HamokRemoteMap ensure data consistency?

HamokRemoteMap uses Hamok which uses the Raft consensus algorithm to manage and replicate logs across distributed nodes, ensuring that all nodes agree on the operation order of the key-value store has to execute.

Can I use custom functions to compare values in HamokRemoteMap?

Yes, you can provide a custom equality function when initializing HamokRemoteMap to define how values should be compared.

What happens when the storage is closed?

When HamokRemoteMap is closed, it disconnects from the network, releases resources, and stops accepting or processing any new operations. All listeners are removed, and the close event is emitted.