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User Manual

Hamok / HamokEmitter / HamokMap / HamokQueue / HamokRecord / HamokRemoteMap

Table of Contents


The HamokRecord class is designed to manage replicated storage with event-driven notifications. It supports operations like insertion, updating, deletion, and clearing of records, while emitting corresponding events.

Create a HamokEmitter instance

You need a Hamok to create a HamokRecord instance. Here is how you can create a HamokRecord instance:

const queue = hamok.createRecord<{ foo: string; bar: number }>({
  recordId: "exampleRecord",


You can pass the following configuration options at the time of creating a HamokRecord:

const record = hamok.createRecord<{ foo: string; bar: number }>({
   * The unique identifier for the record.
  recordId: "record1",

   * Optional. The timeout duration in milliseconds for requests.
   * DEFAULT: 5000
  requestTimeoutInMs: 5000,

   * Optional. The maximum number of keys allowed in request or response messages.
   * DEFAULT: 0 means infinity
  maxOutboundMessageKeys: 1000,

   * Optional. The maximum number of values allowed in request or response messages.
   * DEFAULT: 0 means infinity
  maxOutboundMessageValues: 100,

   * Optional. A base map to be used as the initial state of the map.
   * DEFAULT: a new and empty BaseMap instance
  baseMap: new BaseMap<K, V>(),

   * Optional. A function to determine equality between two values.
   * Used for custom equality checking.
  equalValues: (a: V, b: V) => a === b,

   * Optional. The codec for encoding and decoding payloads.
  payloadsCodec: new Map([["foo", myCodec]]),

   * Optional. The initial object for the record.
  initialObject: { foo: "value1", bar: 42 },

API Reference

HamokRecord<T extends HamokRecordObject> Class

A class for managing distributed records with event-driven capabilities.


  • id: string - The unique identifier of the record.
  • closed: boolean - Indicates whether the record is closed.
  • connection: HamokConnection<string, string> - The connection used by the record.
  • equalValues: <K extends keyof T>(a: T[K], b: T[K]) => boolean - A function to compare values for equality.


  • close(): void - Closes the record and releases any held resources.
  • clear(): Promise<void> - Clears the record.
  • get<K extends keyof T>(key: K): T[K] | undefined - Retrieves the value associated with the given key.
  • set<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: T[K]): Promise<T[K] | undefined> - Sets the value for the given key.
  • insert<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: T[K]): Promise<T[K] | undefined> - Inserts a new value for the given key.
  • updateIf<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: T[K], oldValue: T[K]): Promise<boolean> - Updates the value if the old value matches.
  • delete<K extends keyof T>(key: K): Promise<boolean> - Deletes the value associated with the given key.
  • export(): HamokRecordSnapshot - Exports the current state of the record.
  • import(data: HamokRecordSnapshot, eventing?: boolean): void - Imports the state from a snapshot.


  • clear: Emitted when the record is cleared.
  • remove: Emitted when an entry is removed.
  • insert: Emitted when an entry is inserted.
  • update: Emitted when an entry is updated.
  • close: Emitted when the record is closed.

Example Usage

const record = new HamokRecord<MyRecordType>(connection, {
  equalValues: (a, b) => a === b,
  payloadsCodec: new Map([["key1", myCodec]]),
  initalObject: { key1: "value1" },

record.on("insert", (payload) => console.log("Inserted:", payload));
record.on("update", (payload) => console.log("Updated:", payload));
record.on("remove", (payload) => console.log("Removed:", payload));
record.on("clear", () => console.log("Cleared all entries"));
record.on("close", () => console.log("Record closed"));

await record.set("key2", "value2");
await record.updateIf("key2", "newValue2", "value2");
await record.delete("key2");
await record.clear();



What is the difference between the insert and set methods?

The set method updates the value for a given key, regardless of whether the key already exists. The insert method, however, only adds a new key-value pair if the key does not already exist.

await record.set("key", "value"); // Updates or inserts the key-value pair
await record.insert("key", "value"); // Inserts only if the key does not exist

How does the updateIf method work?

The updateIf method updates the value for a given key only if the current value matches the specified old value. This is useful for ensuring atomic updates based on the current state of the record.

const success = await record.updateIf("key", "newValue", "currentValue");
if (success) {
  console.log("Value updated successfully");
} else {
  console.log("Value update failed");

How can I check if the HamokRecord instance is closed?

You can check if the HamokRecord instance is closed by using the closed property.

if (record.closed) {
  console.log("The record is closed");

What happens if I try to perform operations on a closed HamokRecord?

Performing operations on a closed HamokRecord will throw an error. Ensure that the record is not closed before performing any operations.

if (!record.closed) {
  await record.set("key", "value");
} else {
  console.log("Cannot perform operations on a closed record");

How can I listen for events on the HamokRecord?

You can listen for events on the HamokRecord by using the on method to register event listeners.

record.on("insert", (payload) => console.log("Inserted:", payload));
record.on("update", (payload) => console.log("Updated:", payload));
record.on("remove", (payload) => console.log("Removed:", payload));
record.on("clear", () => console.log("Cleared all entries"));
record.on("close", () => console.log("Record closed"));

This documentation provides an overview of the HamokRecord class, its methods, properties, events, and common usage patterns. For more detailed examples and use cases, refer to the respective sections in the documentation.